I think we live at a point of extreme darkness and extreme brightness. Extreme darkness, because we really do not know from which direction the light would come. extreme brightness, because we ought to have the courage to begin anew.
Michel Foucault in a dialogue with Baqir Parham.
Iranian Revolution, September 1978.

Taqwacore: The Birth of Punk Islam

ovni archives 

Omar Majeed, 2009,  Canada, vo English,80 min.


Taqwacore: The Birth of Punk Islam sigue a Michael y su grupo en su gira por Estados Unidos en un autobús escolar verde desafiando a musulmanes y no musulmanes con temas como Sharia Law in the U.S.A. Su odisea espiritual les lleva a Pakistán, donde llevan el punk a las calles de Lahore y reconectan con el Islam de una forma novedosa y atrevida.

Taqwacore: The Birth of Punk Islam follows Michael and his kindred spirits as they travel across the U.S. in their green school bus, challenging Muslims and non-Muslims with punchy anthems like “Sharia Law in the U.S.A.” Their spiritual odyssey leads them to Pakistan, where they bring punk to the streets of Lahore and reconnect with Islam in a bold new way.

Taqwacore: The Birth of Punk Islam segueix Michael i el seu grup en la seva gira pels Estats Units en un autobús escolar verd desafiant musulmans i no musulmans amb temes com Sharia Law in the USA. La seva odissea espiritual els porta al Pakistan, on porten el punk als carrers de Lahore i reconnecten amb l'islam d'una forma nova i atrevida.